Charges of a racist comment, “ugly wetback,” hurled toward a 5 year old boy by the then accused Councilwoman Michelle Chambers in has resurfaced along with charges of a double standard in the 35th Senate District Primary election race. The nationally recognized Inglewood, CA blog, “2 Urban Girls” a credible and reliable brand that has […]
The June 7th, 2022 election for LA County Superior Court Judge between disgraced and dishonored incumbent Judge Carol Elswick and Attorney Albert Robles (Former Carson Mayor) is causing Roger M Grace, the Metropolitan News Publisher, Editor, and Reporter, to lose his journalism compass and self-respect. In an unusual series of articles published by the Metropolitan News […]
Publicly admonished dishonored Judge Carol Elswick of L.A. Superior Court #156 is being challenged by Former Carson Mayor Attorney Albert Robles in the June 2022 elections. The Commission on Judicial Performance recently admonished the Wilson appointee for civil rights violations including unlawfully remanding solely Asian and Latinos without proper hearings. She also warned defendants not […]