Goals for Los Angeles County’s new five-year economic plan. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to take action on a sweeping economic plan that would move the region further into the 21st Century. The motion, co-authored by board Chairwoman Hilda L. Solis and Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, directs county CEO Sachi A. Hamai […]
Proposed NFL stadium in Inglewood faces FAA scrutiny over height, effects on radar. The 27-page report issued Monday warned the proposed $1.86-billion stadium in Inglewood could interfere with radar that tracks inbound aircraft to Los Angeles International Airport. “The configuration of the stadium between the two runways coupled with the uncertainty of its reflective properties is […]
A Los Angeles Harbor live stream link. Moved out of town, are you missing life on the LA Waterfront, or just want to be nosy on what’s happening down on the Waterfront? You are now just a click a way from a 24 hour Los Angles Harbor live stream. Let the Harbor Hub bulletin connect […]
Carson NFL Stadium-The National Football League’s march back to Los Angeles takes a major pit stop in Chicago this week, and while no major verdict is expected when all 32 owners meet to assess the latest developments in a three-team, two-stadium race to L.A., a few clues could emerge.
LA Port announces million dollars Contract to Manson. Los Angeles Harbor Commission awards $44.6 million contract to Manson Construction Co. for berth improvements and other work, In all, Moreover, Port of Los Angeles officials plans to spend up to $67 million on the project. The figure includes planned expenditures for an on-dock rail project that is […]
College Spotlight LA Harbor College. Los Angeles Harbor College Seahawks. NJCAA. Conference, South Coast Conference softball. 2015 team review.
Cities scramble in race to build stadium in L.A. area. And Carson Mayor Albert Robles, sworn in less than a month ago, sounds exasperated at what he sees as an attempt to hinder the project after the city council unanimously approved it last month. “There is an effort afoot to undermine our efforts to …