The June 7th, 2022 election for LA County Superior Court Judge between disgraced and dishonored incumbent Judge Carol Elswick and Attorney Albert Robles (Former Carson Mayor) is causing Roger M Grace, the Metropolitan News Publisher, Editor, and Reporter, to lose his journalism compass and self-respect. In an unusual series of articles published by the Metropolitan News […]
Publicly admonished dishonored Judge Carol Elswick of L.A. Superior Court #156 is being challenged by Former Carson Mayor Attorney Albert Robles in the June 2022 elections. The Commission on Judicial Performance recently admonished the Wilson appointee for civil rights violations including unlawfully remanding solely Asian and Latinos without proper hearings. She also warned defendants not […]
Murga arrest in Pico Rivera stabbing death-Carson Search Ends The people of Carson will rest easier tonight knowing wanted accused killer Rory Murga, Jr has been arrested. He is accused of cowardly slipping into the home of his ex-girlfriend at 3 am last Friday, August 12th, and stabbing her. A Sheriff said Elena Moore died […]
A Secretive State Gang Database Critics’s Nightmares Verified. An explosive state audit confirms many of the fears of the public and that San Diego Assemblywoman Shirley Weber have long expressed about the state’s gang database: that it cannot ensure individual’s privacy, that people can be entered in the database without proper substantiation and that people […]
Sham Sexual Harassment Case Targeting Mayor Albert Robles Dismissed Sham Sexual Harassment Case Targeting Mayor Albert Robles Dismissed last week. The unlawful termination and sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Monette Gavino, the girl friend of disgraced former Carson Mayor Jim Dear, against the City of Carson and their new Mayor Albert Robles was suddenly been dismissed […]
The controversial Ex-Compton School Boardmember Skyy Fisher Sentenced to Prison for 6 years on his sexual assault conviction. Fisher had refused to step down from the school board after his arrest in 2014 and had run for re-election in November 2015 garnering a miserable 4.4% of the vote. The next month he went to trial […]
Carson family pushes to find attacker of critically injured 18-year-old. Justin Uy celebrated his 18th birthday just a few days before someone fired a barrage of bullets at him while he stood outside Dolores Street Elementary School in Carson. The star Carson High School volleyball player was critically injured in the violent attack and remains […]
Kathermans Acquitted DA Jackie Lacy Wasted Millions! As a jury Tuesday acquitted a long reknown L A lobbyist and former L.A. City Council aide accused of corruption, rejecting charges that he and his wife participated in a scheme to help since convicted West Basin Municipal Water District Board member Ron Smith siphon thousands of dollars […]